Endian OpenVPN and Network Manager on Linux – Endian

Can't create new VPN connections in network manager Feb 10, 2016 Network-Manager & VPNs - Networking - Manjaro Linux Forum Today I switched VPNs services to ExpressVPN. I installed their package to manage the connections and the browser app. The problem is now Network-Manager is showing the lovely ! on it all the time. I've gone through the settings and can't see anything to fix that. I've also gone to ExpressVPNs site and talked with a "specialist" who had zero solutions. But they gave it a good try. Normally it Missing VPN Plugin - Networking - Manjaro Linux Forum

The NetworkManager team · GitHub

This plugin is used on the Debian and Ubuntu distributions, and reads Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections from /etc/network/interfaces. This plugin is read-only; any connections (of any type) added from within NetworkManager when you are using this plugin will be saved using the keyfile plugin instead. network manager - cannot import saved openVPN Here are the steps I follow. Network Manager → VPN Connections → configure VPN. This opens the Network Connections dialogue. Then, Add → import saved vpn configuration → choose .ovpn file. This should load my .ovpn configuration, but instead I get a prompt saying. ERROR: plugin does not support import capability. NetworkManager - Debian Wiki

Jun 12, 2020

HMA VPN on Ubuntu with Network Manager – HMA Support