Force Windows to Remove and Re-detect an NI USB Device

Apr 10, 2018 How To Install DevCon Tool In Windows 10 | KeepTheTech Jul 23, 2016 DevCon Install - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs The DevCon Install operation creates a new non-Plug and Play device node. Then, it uses the DevCon Update operation to install drivers for the newly added device. As a result, the success message for the DevCon Install operation reports that DevCon has created the device node and that it has updated the drivers for the device. Download Mvix Microsoft DevCon Utility (64-bit) for Mvix Microsoft DevCon Utility (64-bit) Free Trial Driver Booster 6 PRO (60% OFF when you buy) Mvix Microsoft DevCon Utility (64-bit) DOWNLOAD NOW.

Driver Install 64-Bit version 3.10.607.1 by China - How to

This version of C:\Work\devcon.exe is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you nee d a x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the so ftware publisher. When I start the 32 bit executable it works.

I'm running Win 7 64-bit on an AMD processor. Most times, when I boot, my network adapter fails to initialize properly. I've found if I disable and enable it through the device manager, it will work fine from then on. To automate this, I picked up the WDK and DevCon.exe, and thought I'd set up a batch file to prep the adapter after boot.

32-Bit DEVCON on 64-Bit Windows — OSR Sep 10, 2013 devcon logs? — OSR Nov 15, 2009 Manage Windows Drivers using DevCon command line tool Mar 04, 2015 devcon.exe failed in windows 10