If the file is shared by using a Google Group you could try to leave the group. From Unsubscribe from a group: How to unsubscribe from a group . Follow these steps: Sign in to Google Groups. Click My Groups. Choose a group. In the upper-right corner, click My settings and then Leave this group.

Aug 28, 2019 Can You Delete Things From The Internet? | Hacker Noon Google does not have the file, nor can it delete the file. To remove something from Google’s search results, you have to remove it from the original source first. Once you take down a piece of content, Google and other search engines will naturally filter it out of search results. However, there is a way to speed up that process: see point 2 How to remove Google Authenticator account? - wojcieh.net

Mar 23, 2016

Mar 23, 2016

You can now ask Google to remove links about you - CNET

How do I remove an unwanted toolbar in Google Chrome